Each week in worship we are offered an opportunity to contribute our ‘loose change’ to a missional partner. Here is a list of 2025 collections.
- January–Elementary School Nurse
- February–Framily Ministries/ VBS
- March–Raising Arrows, OH
- April–Change of Heart Prison Ministry
- May–New Path Pregnancy Center
- June–Bellefontaine Elementary School Backpack Lunch Program
- July–Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
- August–Warm Clothes for Kids
- September–Justice Mobile
- October–Mexico Medical Missions
- November–Last Thursday Christmas Party
- December–Christmas Angel Project
Last Thursday Meal– On the last Thursday of each month, quality meals are provided to our community either as a dine-in experience or through local delivery at no cost. Sharon Walden heads up this mission and would be glad to have extra hands to help. Hours are 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm for prep work, 3:30 pm – 6 pm for guest assistance, prayer partner from 4:30 – 5:30 and clean up from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm. Please contact Sharon at (937)210-1072 if you are available and would like to participate. Donations are appreciated but never expected.

Red Cross Blood Donations
BFUMC hosts The American Red Cross each month for their blood drives. Every 2 seconds someone in the US needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets, or plasma, this life-saving care starts with one person making a generous donation.

BFUMC collects new school supplies for The United Way of Logan County. Collection bins will be available the last week of July and are located in the church lobby. Drop off donations during regular office / church hours. Collection will continue through mid August.
Warm Clothes for Kids